Welcome to Rayne Primary and Nursery School
We are a single form entry Primary school with a purpose built nursery and are members of the Attain Academy Partnership.
Mrs Debra Price Head of School |
Rayne Highlights
Click here to visit our Rayne gallery highlighting our pupils achievments and life at Rayne Primary and Nursery School.
Educational Visits
PSA Events Gallery
School Dinners


All children will start school at 8.40am and pick up time will be 3.15pm for all classes.
The gate will be opened at 8.40am and you will be able to take your children to their classrooms. Registration will be at 8.50am and any child arriving after this time will be marked as late. The gate will reopen at 3.15pm for you to go to your child’s classroom for pick up.
For further information on school attendance, please click here
How to Contact Us:
You can contact your child's teacher by using one of the email addresses below. Please mark the email for the attention of your child's teacher: