Wraparound Provision
We are delighted to inform you that Rayne Primary School offer wraparound care for Reception through to Year 6. CMXSC runs breakfast and afterschool clubs which include sporting clubs and nurturing wraparound care.
To book onto breakfast (known as Activate), after school care (known as Elevate) or sports club/nurture clubs click here: Rayne Primary School | CMXSC Active
For any queries please email CMXSC by email: admin@cmxsc.co.uk
Breakfast Club (Activate)
Wraparound Care Activate (Breakfast club) runs daily for Reception – Year 6 from 7.30am.
Please note that breakfast is included in the 7.30am - 8.45am Activate booking option (not available from 8am booking option)
Wraparound - FAQs
Click here for FAQs on our wraparound provision
Questions include:
- Childcare vouchers
- Booking, ad hoc, weekly or termly
Website and to book sessions: Rayne Primary School | CMXSC Active
After School Club (Elevate)
Wraparound Care Elevate (After School club, including sports option) runs daily for Reception – Year 6.
Option 1 - 3.15pm to 4.15pm (after school sports club/Activity option as per our scheduled clubs see below)
Option 2 - 3.15pm to 5pm (General wraparound care. The child has the option to partake in the sports club/activity (eg cookery, crazy science) if they are in the right age range.
Option 3 - 3.15pm - 6pm (General wraparound care. The child has the option to partake in the sports club/activity (eg cookery, crazy science) if they are in the right age range. A light meal is included in the 3.15pm - 6pm Elevate booking option (Please select 5pm option and then during checkout you will be able to select Extend for the 6pm finish).
Sports Clubs run by CMXSC wraparound session
- Archery Y3-Y6 (3.15pm-4.15pm)
- Cooking Club - All ages(3.15pm-4.15pm)
- Crazy Science - All ages (3.15pm-4.15pm)
- Dodgeball Y3-Y6 (3.15pm-4.15pm)
- Gymnastics Y3-Y6 (3.15pm-4.15pm)
Website and to book sessions: Rayne Primary School | CMXSC Active